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August 2, 2024

China's rise in generative AI patents: A global power shift

China dominates patents for generative AI by 1.4 times the entire world. Read more here.

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China is making headlines with patents for generative AI

The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked a global race for technological supremacy. At the forefront of this competition is generative AI (GenAI), a subgroup of AI that is able to create new content formats such as text, images, and music. In recent years, China has become a dominant player in Patenting GenAI developed, which points to a potential shift in the global AI landscape.

This article looks at the impact of the Chinese increase in GenAI patents and explores the underlying factors, potential effects, and the overall picture beyond patent figures.

China's dominance in GenAI patents

China has quickly risen to a leading position in patenting GenAI. One published in July 2024 WIPO report showedthat China accounted for 40% of all international AI patent applications filed in 2023, which represents a significant increase from 25% in 2020. This meteoric rise is underpinned by several key factors.

Government support: The Chinese government has made AI a strategic priority and invested billions of dollars in research and development. Initiatives such as “Made in China 2025” plan and the establishment of AI clusters have fostered a thriving AI ecosystem.

Talent pool: China has a huge pool of AI talent, with a growing number of graduates and researchers contributing to the country's AI capabilities. Loud a recent study by Stanford University 48% of the world's AI-related work was produced in China in 2023.

Cooperation in industry: Strong partnerships between science, industry and government have AI innovation in China accelerates, where 80% of Chinese companies Already using GenAI. Companies such as Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent are at the At the forefront of GenAI development and are driving forward patent applications and commercialization.

The impact of China's GenAI leadership

China's dominance in patenting GenAI has far-reaching effects on the global economy, the technology landscape, and geopolitical dynamics.

Economic impact:

  • New industries: China's GenAI leadership could create new industries and create millions of jobs, which would boost economic growth.
  • Productivity gains: The application of GenAI in various sectors can increase productivity and efficiency, resulting in significant economic benefits.
  • Global competitiveness: A strong GenAI sector can improve China's global competitiveness and attract foreign investment and talent.

Technological advancements:

  • Accelerated innovation: China's focus on GenKI is likely to innovation accelerate in areas such as drug discovery, materials science, and autonomous systems.
  • Global standards: China's influence on GenAI could shape global standards and regulations and potentially impact industries worldwide.
  • Intellectual property: The accumulation of GenAI patents could provide China with a strong intellectual property portfolio and strengthen its negotiating power.

Geopolitical Considerations:

  • Tech Cold War: The growing AI rivalry between China and the United States could intensify and lead to a “tech cold war” with effects on global security.
  • Dependency risks: One Excessive reliance on Chinese AI technology could create vulnerabilities for other countries and raise concerns about supply chain security.

Beyond patent figures: A refined perspective

While China's patent dominance is impressive, it's important to consider factors that go beyond mere numbers. The quality of patents, their commercialization potential, and the entire AI ecosystem are just as important.

Patent quality: The focus should be on the quality and innovation behind patents and not just on quantity. While China is leading the way in patent applications, it remains to be seen what commercial impact these patents will have.

Research and development: A robust research and development (R&D) infrastructure is crucial for turning patents into real applications. China must continue to invest in basic research to maintain its leadership role in AI.

Talent development: Cultivating an extensive talent pool is essential to driving AI innovation. China must give priority to education and training to ensure a steady supply of AI experts.

International cooperation: Open collaboration with the global AI community can accelerate progress and address common challenges. China should actively participate in international AI initiatives.

Examples of the latest AI patents from China and their impact:

  • Image generation: A recent Chinese patent describes a process for generating highly realistic images using AI with potential applications in advertising, entertainment, and virtual reality.
  • Drug discovery: Chinese researchers have patented an AI-driven approach to accelerate drug discovery, potentially leading to faster and more effective treatments for diseases.
  • Autonomous vehicles: Chinese companies are actively patenting AI technologies for autonomous vehicles that could revolutionize transportation and logistics.

It's important to note that while these patents represent significant progress, their full impact on the global AI landscape remains to be seen.


China's rapid rise in patenting GenAI underscores its ambitions to become a leading global AI company. While the potential benefits are significant, it is critical to address this development from a nuanced perspective. The focus should be on promoting innovation, building a robust AI ecosystem, and addressing the ethical implications of AI development. International cooperation is essential to harness the full potential of AI for the benefit of humanity. As the AI landscape continues to evolve, China's role will undoubtedly shape the future of technology and global events.

Steffen Zecher

Head of Patent Managament weber Maschinenbau

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