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April 13, 2023

Upgrade Your Patent Monitoring with AI [Free Excel Template for Easy Start]

Patent monitoring for beginners: Use our Excel template and experience the difference with AI.

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This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

Managing patents isn't just about protecting ideas; it's about navigating a complex landscape of innovation, competition, and legalities. For decades, Excel sheets have been the go-to tool for patent monitoring—a familiar friend offering flexibility but often falling short when faced with the sheer volume and intricacy of patent data.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the challenges of patent management, provide practical steps to start with an Excel template, and explore the transformative benefits of embracing advanced AI patent management software.

Spoiler Alert: AI is taking over, but it's never too late to get your hands dirty with a free starter Excel template. Click below to download!

The Challenge of Patent Management

Imagine a patent attorney's desk cluttered with spreadsheets—each row representing a unique invention, its legal status, and potential expiry dates.

With over 3.2 million patent applications filed worldwide in 2021 and 1.7% increase in 2022 alone, the task of manually updating and tracking these records becomes daunting.

1. Data Entry Errors

Manual entry is prone to mistakes. Research on human manual data input has revealed an error rate of 6.5%, while spreadsheet data entry is predicted to have an error rate of around 5%.

These errors can lead to inaccuracies in patent records, potentially impacting legal decisions and intellectual property protection.

2. Excel spreadsheets need a lot manual work

Picture yourself as an in-house lawyer overseeing a large portfolio of patents. Initially, Excel spreadsheets seem like a practical choice for organizing and categorizing data.

However, as your patent portfolio expands into thousands of patents, keeping those spreadsheets updated becomes a daunting task.

Every change in patent claims or ownership requires painstaking manual updates, consuming valuable time and reducing overall productivity.

This is where the limitations of Excel become apparent.

Monitoring competitors' patents involves downloading data from external sources like ESPACEnet and manually transferring it into your spreadsheets—a tedious and error-prone process that inevitably slows you down.

3. Protected Information can be at Stake

While your patents are your prized assets, Excel sheets remain at the risk of landing into unauthorized hands, especially when you are working with external resources.

Due to inadequate encryption features, any sensitive information is prone to data leakage or modification.

4. Time-Consuming Updates

Keeping an Excel sheet updated with new patent filings, legal status changes, and other updates can be extremely time-consuming.

A McKinsey study found that knowledge workers spend 19% of their time searching for and gathering information.

This time could be better utilized for strategic analysis and decision-making.

5. Difficulty in Tracking Legal Status

Patents undergo various legal status changes throughout their lifecycle, including filings, grants, rejections, and expiration.

Excel’s static structure makes it difficult to dynamically update and track these changes accurately.

6. Inefficiency in Competitive Analysis

Analyzing competitors' patent activities requires robust tools for data aggregation, visualization, and comparison.

Excel's limitations in data handling and analytics can hinder effective competitive analysis, potentially impacting strategic decision-making.

Comibined with other challenges like human error and inefficient tracking, it's easier to lose sight of the competition and become prone to legal penalties.

Even though these challenges exist to-date...

Why Are Excel Sheets Still Popular?

Excel sheets remain popular for patent management due to their familiarity, ease of use, and initial low cost.

They provide a customizable framework where users can manually input and organize patent data according to their specific needs.

Small businesses and startups, in particular, find Excel accessible for basic patent monitoring and tracking tasks.

Download Free Starter Patent Management Excel Template Here

So, are you ready to try an AI-powered patent monitoring software to leave the challenges and limitation of Excel sheet behind?

The Solution is PATOffice - Your Ultimate Patent Monitoring Software

From eliminating manual work to providing advanced analytics, PATOffice serves as your ultimate companion with more than just patent monitoring capabilities.

It is a cloud-based software that combines the power of generative AI and advanced features, such as patent monitoring, analyses, insights, collaboration, management, research and more.

Here are some of possibilties you can achieve with a tool like PATOffice:

1. Automation of Routine Tasks

AI automates data entry, updates, and alerts, reducing manual effort. According to Accenture, AI can increase productivity by up to 40%.

With PATOffice you can automate your tasks, manage monitorings, assign tasks and rate docments all in one place.

2. Real-Time Data Updates

Stay updated with real-time changes in legal status and new filings. View all the data for your desired patents on one dashboard without the hassle of springing from one Excel sheet to another.

3. Advanced Analytics

PATOffice AI provides powerful search capabilities and insightful analytics.

Its powerful gen AI analyzes data objectively and accurately, hence minimizing the infulence of human error and biases.

It not only provides consistent outcomes, but also applies predefined or learned patterns for improved patent monitoring, comparison, resaerch, competitive analyses and so on.

4. Improved Search Filters with a Broad Database

PATOffice uses an advanced search mask with fields for precise search.

This feature allows you to conduct a thorough search with the popular global databases.

With that you can also save custom seraches along with getting recommendations for your next search.

With your and the teams input, you create your own knowledge base. How cool is that!

5. Enhanced Collaboration

PATOffice facilitates better sharing and collaboration among teams wihtout repeated tasks and overlapping.

You can design dedicated workspaces with multiple users and work closely with your team or external resources.

You can rate, comment and forward files to your colleagues.

By doing so, you can simplify task allocation and progress tracking, thereby improving overallefficiency and productivity.

6. 2FA for your security

Unlike Excel sheets, you need a secure and personal space where ou can automate your patent-related tasks.

PATOffice offers its users 2-Factor Authentication to not only make your workspaces secure, but also protect your assets from unwanted sources.

Are You Ready For The Transformation?

You may be thinking that using spreadsheets is a good ideabecause it's free.

While it's true that spreadsheets don't cost any money, theydo come at a cost.

By using spreadsheets, you might be missing out onopportunities that could have been realized with more advanced tools.

Additionally, spreadsheets are prone to errors, which can be costly to contest.

However, the cost of using spreadsheets isn't just limited to missed opportunities and contestable errors. It also has a more intangible cost that can't be measured in monetary terms.

And that cost is time - the one thing you can't save, buy back, or defend in court.

By using spreadsheets, you might be wasting valuable time that could be spent on more productive activities.

So, while spreadsheets might be free, they come at an unaffordable cost - in contrast to PATOffice.

But if you are getting started with patents or want to get a fresh perspective on improving your patent monitoring on Excel sheets, download the free template below!

Steffen Zecher

Head of Patent Managament weber Maschinenbau

PATOffice efficiently and easily provides information for our patent management as well as for involved users in various technical fields. The publications we evaluate have grown over the ears into a very valuable, well-structured database with high information content.

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